Make a short video for INVEST123 website  
The duration of the video is 2 to 5 minutes
Upload the video to the YouTube channel
Share the video from the channel on social network such as Facebook, Twitter, and others
Go to the contact us box on the first page of the site
Send us the video link on YouTube
Attached is the email address and your Payeer wallet address
You will get directly from 100 RUB to 1000 RUB after reviewing within 60 minutes of sending

Win more :

Make a post with the link of the website :

On Facebook or any of the means of social network such as Twitter, Instagram, Tik Tok and others

Send us a link or screenshot of the publication from the contact box on the front page

And you will receive a bonus from 100 rubles to 1000 for each post

Unlimited number of posts

The reward is calculated according to the type of post, interaction and likes...etc.

That is why it is recommended to publish the post in different groups to increase the value of the reward

The bonus is paid within 60 minutes after the review